Hai Luo Video Open Experience is here!

After continuous effort, MiniMax's video model has finally been released and is now available for everyone to try on Hai Luo. The current trial version supports the generation of 5-second videos. We hope everyone will try it out and help Hai Luo improve!

Don't know how to use it? See the guide:

Hai Luo AI video usage tutorial

Collection of high-quality examples:

We are collecting high-quality video examples from you, the Hai Luo users:

We hope you submit frequently, try it out, and give us lots of feedback!

Submission link: https://vrfi1sk8a0.feishu.cn/share/base/form/shrVHV9mXIvan08SiCa84zJoSg

Welcome to discuss video creation tips on Discord!


User high-quality video submission showcase:

This is a public section. If you are satisfied with the results, you can share your own prompts and videos here to inspire each other.